Benefits to Utilizing Bone Grafting in Your Dental Clinics

Bone grafting is a valuable technique used in dentistry to improve patient outcomes and provide effective solutions for various dental conditions. By utilizing bone grafts, dental clinics can enhance the success rates of implant procedures, facilitate sinus augmentation surgeries, and address defects in the jawbone.

In this blog post, we will uncover the benefits of utilizing bone grafting and how it can lead to improved patient outcomes. Let’s dive in!


Enhancing Dental Implant Success

Bone grafting plays a crucial role in facilitating successful dental implant procedures. By providing a stable foundation for the implant, bone grafts promote osseointegration, which is the integration of the implant with the surrounding bone tissue. This leads to better long-term stability and functionality of the dental implant.


Facilitating Sinus Augmentation

Sinus augmentation is a common procedure performed prior to dental implant placement in the posterior maxilla. By utilizing bone grafts, DSOs can effectively increase the height and width of the available bone in the posterior maxillary region, allowing for the successful placement of dental implants. This procedure is particularly beneficial for patients with insufficient bone volume in the upper jaw.


Addressing Jawbone Defects

Bone grafting is also utilized to address jawbone defects caused by various factors, such as trauma, infection, or periodontal disease. By placing bone grafts in the affected area, dental clinics can stimulate bone regeneration and restore the natural structure and function of the jawbone. This allows for improved oral health and functional outcomes for patients.


Types of Bone Grafts

There are several types of bone graft materials commonly used. Autogenous bone grafts, derived from the patient’s own body, provide the most predictable results due to their ability to stimulate new bone formation. Allografts, derived from human cadavers, and xenografts, derived from animal sources, are also commonly used and offer good biocompatibility and stability. Synthetic bone graft substitutes, such as hydroxyapatite and bioceramics, provide an alternative for patients who cannot undergo autogenous grafting.


Safety and Efficacy

Bone grafting procedures have been extensively researched and proven to be safe and effective in dental practice. The use of bone grafts is supported by reputable organizations and scientific literature, ensuring the highest standards of patient care and treatment outcomes.

Utilizing bone grafting techniques is a valuable approach to enhance patient outcomes and provide effective solutions for various dental conditions. DSO-U can help your organization get started using bone grafts, facilitating sinus augmentation surgeries, and addressing jawbone defects, ultimately ensuring better long-term stability, functionality, and esthetics for your patients.

Call us today to get your organization started on bone grafting!



Expanding Services in Dental Clinics: A Path to Increased Revenue

In recent years, there has been a growing demand for increased access to dental and medical care. This has led to discussions about expanding the scope of practice for dentists and physicians. One effective way to meet this demand and generate more revenue is by expanding the range of services offered at dental clinics.

So, let’s explore the benefits of expanding services in dental clinics and how it can result in increased revenue for dental service organizations.


Meeting Diverse Patient Needs

Expanding services allows dental clinics to cater to a wider range of patient needs. By offering a comprehensive range of services such as orthodontics, cosmetic dentistry, and oral surgery, clinics can attract a broader patient base. This not only helps in retaining existing patients but also attracts new ones seeking specialized services.


Increasing Patient Satisfaction

When dental clinics expand their services, they provide patients with the convenience of receiving a wide range of treatments under one roof. This eliminates the need for patients to visit multiple specialists, saving time and effort. Additionally, offering new and advanced treatments can enhance patient satisfaction and loyalty, resulting in positive word-of-mouth referrals.


Tapping into New Revenue Streams

Expanding services allows dental clinics to tap into new revenue streams. For example, offering orthodontic treatments, such as braces and clear aligners, can attract a significant number of patients seeking teeth straightening options. By diversifying services, clinics can leverage these additional revenue streams and boost their financial growth.


Differentiating from Competitors

In a competitive dental market, expanding the range of services offered can help clinics stand out from the competition. By providing unique and specialized treatments, clinics can differentiate their brand and attract patients who specifically seek those services. This competitive advantage can lead to increased patient traffic and revenue.


Leveraging Advanced Technology

Expanding services often involves incorporating advanced technology and equipment. For instance, integrating digital imaging, CAD/CAM systems, and laser dentistry can enhance the quality of care and attract patients seeking modern treatment options. The utilization of advanced technology not only improves patient outcomes but also positions the dental clinic as a leader in the field.


Collaborating with Specialists

Expanding services may involve collaborating with specialists in various dental fields. Partnering with orthodontists, periodontists, or oral surgeons allows dental clinics to offer comprehensive treatment plans and refer patients internally. This collaborative approach ensures seamless patient care and strengthens professional relationships, which can result in increased referrals and revenue.

Expanding the range of services offered at your DSO can significantly impact its revenue and growth. By meeting diverse patient needs, increasing patient satisfaction, tapping into new revenue streams, differentiating from competitors, leveraging advanced technology, and collaborating with specialists, dental clinics can thrive in today’s competitive healthcare market.

Embracing this expansion provides a win-win situation for both the dental service organization and the patients they serve. What’s more, DSO University can walk you through it all!

Visit to see how we can help your organization increase its offerings!



The Benefits of Offering Clear Aligners to Dental Patients

In recent years, clear aligners have become a popular orthodontic treatment option for patients seeking to achieve a straighter smile. These virtually invisible and removable aligners are revolutionizing the field of dentistry, offering numerous benefits for both dental professionals and their patients. Let’s explore why offering clear aligners can be a game-changer for your dental service organization.


Improved Aesthetics

One of the most significant advantages of clear aligners is their discreet appearance. Unlike traditional braces with metal brackets and wires, clear aligners are made of transparent plastic material, making them virtually invisible when worn. This allows patients to undergo orthodontic treatment without feeling self-conscious about their smile.

The ability to straighten teeth without drawing unwanted attention is particularly appealing to adults and working professionals who may hesitate to pursue traditional orthodontic treatment due to aesthetic concerns. By offering clear aligners, dental clinics can cater to a broader patient base, inclusive of those who prioritize a natural-looking smile during treatment.


Enhanced Comfort and Convenience

Clear aligners are designed to be comfortable and non-intrusive for patients. The aligners are custom-made using 3D digital imaging technology, ensuring a precise fit and minimizing discomfort during treatment. The absence of wires and brackets also reduces the likelihood of mouth sores or gum irritation commonly associated with traditional braces.

Furthermore, clear aligners offer unparalleled convenience. They are easily removable, allowing patients to maintain their regular oral hygiene routine of brushing and flossing without any hindrance. This eliminates the need for specialized tools to clean around braces and reduces the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Patients can also eat and drink freely, as there are no dietary restrictions associated with clear aligners.


Shorter Treatment Duration

Clear aligners have been shown to provide faster results compared to traditional braces in certain cases. Using advanced computer algorithms and treatment planning, clear aligners apply precisely calibrated forces to guide teeth into their desired positions. This efficient use of force can lead to shorter treatment durations for certain orthodontic cases.

The ability to achieve faster results is particularly appealing to patients who wish to see noticeable improvements in their smiles within a relatively short period. By offering clear aligners, dental clinics can provide a time-efficient orthodontic treatment option that meets the demands of patients seeking both convenience and effectiveness.


Improved Treatment Predictability

Clear aligners utilize advanced digital technology to predict and plan tooth movements accurately. Dental professionals can create a virtual treatment plan, allowing patients to visualize their expected progress and final outcome before starting treatment. This enhanced treatment predictability provides patients with realistic expectations and increases their satisfaction throughout the process.

Additionally, clear aligners enable dental professionals to make adjustments and fine-tune treatment plans as needed. Through regular check-ups and assessments, aligner trays can be modified or replaced to ensure optimal progress and results. This level of control and flexibility in treatment planning enhances patient outcomes and contributes to overall treatment success.


Enhanced Patient Experience

Offering clear aligners can significantly improve the overall patient experience in dental clinics. Patients appreciate the convenience, comfort, and discreet appearance that clear aligners provide. The ability to remove aligners for special occasions or important events gives patients a sense of control and flexibility, allowing them to navigate their treatment journey with ease.

Moreover, clear aligners require fewer visits to the dental clinic compared to traditional braces. Patients only need to come in for periodic check-ups and to receive new sets of aligners. This reduced frequency of appointments saves patients time and reduces any associated inconvenience or disruption to their daily schedules.

Clear aligners have emerged as a highly sought-after orthodontic treatment option due to their numerous benefits. From improved aesthetics and enhanced comfort to shorter treatment durations and increased treatment predictability, clear aligners offer a compelling alternative to traditional braces.

By offering clear aligners, dental service organizations can cater to a wider range of patients and provide them with a convenient, discreet, and effective solution for achieving a straighter smile. Embracing this innovative technology not only enhances patient satisfaction but also positions dental practices at the forefront of modern orthodontic treatments.

Schedule a demo with us today and let’s get your organization started off on offering clear aligners!



Revolutionizing Dental Clinics through Temporary Anchorage Devices

In the field of dentistry, technological advancements have significantly improved treatment options and patient outcomes. One such innovation that has gained traction in recent years is the use of Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADs). These small, biocompatible devices provide stability and anchorage during orthodontic treatments, offering numerous benefits for dental clinics and their patients.


What are Temporary Anchorage Devices?

Temporary Anchorage Devices, often referred to as TADs or mini implants, are tiny screws made of biocompatible materials such as titanium or stainless steel. They are designed to be inserted into the jawbone to provide additional support and stability during orthodontic treatments, such as braces or aligners.

Unlike traditional methods that rely on external devices like headgears or extraoral appliances, TADs are placed directly into the bone, eliminating the need for cumbersome apparatus. This makes them an increasingly popular choice among dental professionals and patients alike.


Improved Treatment Efficiency

One of the most significant advantages of TADs is their ability to enhance treatment efficiency. By providing stable anchorage points, TADs allow orthodontists to move teeth more precisely and in a shorter amount of time. This means that treatment duration can be substantially reduced, leading to faster results and happier patients.

Additionally, TADs enable orthodontists to perform complex tooth movements that were previously challenging or even impossible. The enhanced control provided by TADs allows for more predictable outcomes and opens up new possibilities in treatment planning.


Minimized Patient Discomfort

Traditional orthodontic treatments often involve uncomfortable procedures and appliances that can cause pain and irritation. With TADs, the discomfort experienced by patients is significantly reduced. The insertion of TADs is a minimally invasive procedure that is typically performed with local anesthesia. The small size of the devices also means that they are barely noticeable once placed in the mouth.

Furthermore, TADs eliminate the need for external devices that can be cumbersome and restrict patients’ daily activities. Patients can continue with their regular oral hygiene routine without any additional complications or inconveniences.


Versatility in Treatment Planning

TADs offer a level of versatility in treatment planning that was previously unimaginable. Dental clinics can now tackle complex cases that would have required extensive surgeries or compromised outcomes. TADs can be strategically placed to provide support and anchorage in areas that were previously challenging to address, such as moving impacted teeth or correcting severe malocclusions.

This versatility not only expands the range of cases that dental clinics can handle but also allows for customized treatment plans tailored to individual patient needs. Orthodontists can use TADs in combination with other orthodontic appliances to achieve optimal results, providing patients with the most effective and personalized treatment experience.


Increased Patient Satisfaction

The benefits of TADs extend beyond the technical aspects of treatment. Patients who undergo orthodontic treatments with TADs often report higher levels of satisfaction due to the improved comfort, shorter treatment duration, and enhanced treatment outcomes.

The ability to achieve desired results more efficiently and predictably contributes to a higher success rate in orthodontic treatments. This not only leaves patients with a beautiful smile but also boosts their confidence and overall satisfaction with the treatment process.



Temporary Anchorage Devices have revolutionized the realm of orthodontic treatments, offering numerous advantages for dental clinics and their patients. From improved treatment efficiency and minimized patient discomfort to increased treatment planning versatility and patient satisfaction, TADs have become an invaluable tool in modern dentistry.

As technology continues to advance, dental service organizations should consider incorporating TADs into their clinics to provide the highest standard of care and deliver exceptional treatment outcomes. With the help of TADs, orthodontic treatments can be streamlined, customized, and more comfortable, ultimately transforming the smiles and lives of countless patients.

Schedule a demo with us today to see how teaching your clinicians about TADs and TAD placement can improve your DSO!



The Power of CBCT Scans

In today’s rapidly advancing dental landscape, integrating innovative technologies is paramount to providing exceptional patient care and maximizing revenue. Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) scans have emerged as a game-changer in dentistry, offering a wealth of diagnostic information for accurate treatment planning.

Let’s explore what CBCT scans are and delve into how offering them in dental clinics can significantly improve the revenue of dental service organizations.


Understanding CBCT Scans

CBCT scans, also known as Cone Beam 3D imaging, employ cone-shaped X-ray beams and digital sensors to capture detailed 3D images of a patient’s oral and maxillofacial structures. These scans provide a comprehensive view of the teeth, jawbone, sinuses, nerves, and surrounding tissues, surpassing traditional 2D radiographs in terms of diagnostic capabilities.


Enhanced Treatment Planning

By incorporating CBCT scans into your dental practice, you empower your team with a wealth of detailed information. These scans enable dentists to accurately diagnose and plan treatments for complex cases such as dental implant placement, orthodontic evaluations, root canal therapy, and impacted tooth extractions. Improved treatment planning translates into better patient outcomes, leading to enhanced patient satisfaction and improved referral rates.


Increased Case Acceptance

CBCT scans facilitate effective patient communication by providing visual representations of dental conditions. Patients can better understand their oral health concerns, visualize the proposed treatment, and appreciate the necessity of specific procedures through clear and precise 3D images. This visual aid enhances case acceptance rates, as patients feel more confident and informed about the recommended treatment options.


Expanded Service Offerings

With CBCT technology, dental clinics can expand their service offerings and cater to a broader range of patients’ needs. Beyond routine dental care, CBCT scans allow for the integration of implantology, periodontics, orthodontics, endodontics, and oral surgery services. The ability to provide comprehensive care under one roof attracts a more diverse patient base, resulting in increased revenue opportunities.


Collaboration and Referral Network

By offering CBCT scans, dental service organizations can establish collaborations with other healthcare professionals, such as oral surgeons, orthodontists, and radiologists. This collaboration fosters a strong referral network, where specialists can confidently refer their patients to dental clinics equipped with advanced imaging technology. Such partnerships result in a steady stream of referrals, boosting the revenue of the organization.


Dental Insurance Reimbursement

CBCT scans are recognized by many dental insurance providers as a valuable diagnostic tool. By incorporating CBCT into your practice, you can leverage this recognition to increase dental insurance reimbursement rates. This not only benefits the patients by reducing their out-of-pocket expenses but also contributes to the financial growth of your dental service organization.

Integrating CBCT scans into dental clinics has revolutionized the way dental professionals diagnose and treat patients. Offering CBCT services in your dental service organization can greatly enhance revenue streams, primarily through enhanced treatment planning, increased case acceptance, expanded service offerings, collaboration with specialists, and improved dental insurance reimbursement rates. By investing in this advanced imaging technology, dental clinics can position themselves as leaders in quality patient care while simultaneously boosting their financial success.

Want your clinicians to learn how take CBCT scans? Schedule a demo with us today!



  • American Association of Endodontists. (n.d.). Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). Retrieved from
  • Colaco, A. S., & Carrico, C. K. (2016). Cone Beam Computed Tomography: Basics for the Orthodontist. Journal of orthodontic science, 5(2), 48–51. doi:10.4103/2278-0203.179562

Dr. Trevor Nichols to Join Faculty at DSO University

Esteemed Orthodontist to lead the orthodontic training curriculum at the company’s advanced training facility in Arizona.

Gilbert, AZ, December 21, 2023 – DSO University (DSO-U), a leading clinical management company developing dental provider skills, today announced that Dr. Trevor Nichols, respected orthodontist, will join the team of seasoned faculty training at the facility. A native of Phoenix, AZ, Dr. Nichols has been a leader in the orthodontics profession for the duration of his career.

“DSO-U is playing a pivotal role in elevating skills of dental professionals around the country,” said DSO-U founder and CEO, Dr. Sam Bollwinkel. “We are honored that Dr. Nichols will bring his orthodontic leadership and commitment to excellence to our faculty.”

Dr. Nichols is an international speaker and educator having delivered addresses at key orthodontic conferences and forums around the globe. He is a forward-thinking researcher and author for the profession and is frequently featured in journals and magazines. Dr. Nichols also serves as a diplomate on the American Board of Orthodontics.

“I am thrilled to partner with DSO-U as we help dental professionals better serve their patients,” said Dr. Trevor Nichols. “I am particularly excited to guide the hands-on training and collaborative learning that will inspire excellence, elevate skills, and shape the future of orthodontics.”

With its state-of-the-art facilities in the Phoenix East Valley, DSO-U draws on a team of industry-leading innovators who serve on its faculty and provide participants with hands-on training with real patients at the center so the participants can gain new skills to enhance their practices and careers.


About DSO University

DSO University is a leading clinical management company providing DSOs with a turnkey, white-labeled platform for developing provider skills, enhancing brand equity, and driving organic growth. At DSO-U, dental providers gain expert hands-on experience with real patients using the latest equipment in a state-of-the-art training facility. The DSO-U software platform tracks provider progress in becoming proficient on new procedures and technology so they can implement what they learn in their clinics. Customizable to each customer’s unique brand, DSO University helps DSOs develop a training culture, decrease provider turnover, attract new providers, improve patient care, and grow practice revenue. Visit

How to Determine When Endodontic Treatment is Right for Your Patients

Endodontic treatment, commonly referred to as a root canal, is a specialized dental procedure aimed at saving a severely damaged or infected tooth. As a dental professional, it is crucial to understand when such treatment is necessary and beneficial for your patients. In this blog post, we will explore the indicators that suggest endodontic treatment might be the best course of action. Let’s dive in!


Persistent Tooth Pain

One of the most prominent signs that a patient may require endodontic treatment is persistent tooth pain. This pain may manifest as a constant ache, sensitivity to hot or cold stimuli, or discomfort while biting or chewing. It is essential to evaluate the duration, intensity, and frequency of the pain to determine if endodontic intervention is necessary.


Swelling and Gum Sensitivity

Inflamed gums, accompanied by tenderness and swelling around the affected tooth, can be indicative of the need for endodontic treatment. These symptoms often occur when the pulp inside the tooth becomes infected or inflamed, leading to an abscess or gum infection. Timely diagnosis and treatment are vital to prevent further complications.


Deep Decay or Trauma

Teeth that have been subject to deep decay or trauma, such as cracks or fractures, may require endodontic treatment. These conditions can expose the inner pulp tissue to bacteria, leading to infection and subsequent pain. Addressing the issue promptly through a root canal can salvage the tooth and restore its functionality.


Prolonged Sensitivity

While tooth sensitivity is common, especially with hot or cold temperatures, prolonged or excessive sensitivity could signify the need for endodontic treatment. If a patient experiences sensitivity lasting for more than a few seconds or increasing in severity over time, it may indicate underlying issues requiring professional attention.


Darkened or Discolored Tooth

Discoloration or darkening of a tooth can indicate that the nerve inside the tooth has suffered damage or decay. This discoloration may be a result of the breakdown of blood vessels within the pulp or the accumulation of bacterial pigments. In such cases, endodontic treatment may be necessary to save the tooth and restore its natural appearance.


X-ray Findings

Radiographic examinations play a crucial role in identifying dental issues that may require endodontic treatment. X-rays can reveal the extent of tooth decay, cracks, or fractures, providing valuable insights into the condition of the tooth’s root and surrounding structures. Combined with clinical symptoms, these findings aid in making an accurate diagnosis.

Knowing when endodontic treatment is right for your patients requires careful evaluation of their symptoms, clinical findings, and radiographic evidence. By recognizing the signs discussed in this blog post, you can effectively determine when a patient would benefit from a root canal procedure. Remember, early intervention and timely treatment are paramount to saving teeth and restoring oral health.

Ready to bring endodontic training to your DSO? Schedule a demo with us today!



5 Benefits to Clinicians Learning to Perform Sleep Apnea Treatments for DSOs

Sleep apnea is a prevalent sleep disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. As a dental service organization (DSO), expanding the knowledge of your clinicians to include sleep apnea treatments can bring numerous benefits to your organization and the patients you serve.

Let’s dive into five advantages of incorporating sleep apnea treatment training into your DSO and how it can contribute to the growth and success of your organization.


Expanding Treatment Offerings

By training clinicians in sleep apnea treatments, your DSO can expand the range of services offered to patients. Sleep apnea is often underdiagnosed and undertreated, and many individuals are unaware that dentists can play a vital role in its management. Incorporating sleep apnea treatments into your DSO’s offerings allows you to provide comprehensive care and meet the diverse needs of your patient population. Offering additional services not only enhances patient satisfaction but also opens up new revenue streams for your organization.


Improving Patient Outcomes

Sleep apnea can have serious health consequences if left untreated. By having clinicians who are knowledgeable about sleep apnea treatments, your DSO can positively impact patient outcomes. Dentists can play a crucial role in treating sleep apnea through the use of oral appliances, which help keep the airway open during sleep. By accurately diagnosing and effectively managing sleep apnea, your clinicians can improve patients’ quality of life, reduce the risk of associated health complications, and enhance overall well-being.


Collaborative Care Approach

Collaboration between dentists and other healthcare professionals is essential to provide comprehensive care for patients with sleep apnea. When your clinicians learn about sleep apnea treatments, they can actively engage in interdisciplinary collaboration, working closely with sleep physicians, pulmonologists, and other specialists. This collaborative approach ensures that patients receive integrated, evidence-based care and allows for better coordination among healthcare providers. Establishing strong partnerships with sleep medicine professionals can also lead to referrals, further enhancing your DSO’s reputation and patient reach.


Differentiating Your DSO

In a competitive dental landscape, setting your DSO apart from others is crucial for success. By incorporating sleep apnea treatments into your services, you differentiate your organization and position it as a leader in comprehensive dental care. Patients suffering from sleep apnea often seek dental providers who understand their unique needs and can offer effective treatment options. By having clinicians trained in sleep apnea treatments, your DSO becomes a go-to destination for individuals seeking holistic care that addresses both their dental and sleep health concerns.


Increased Patient Satisfaction and Loyalty

Providing expanded services, such as sleep apnea treatments, demonstrates your DSO’s commitment to comprehensive patient care. When patients receive personalized, effective sleep apnea treatment within your organization, they are more likely to be satisfied with their overall experience. Satisfied patients are not only more likely to refer others to your DSO but also become loyal, long-term patients themselves. By investing in clinicians’ education on sleep apnea treatments, you foster trust and loyalty among your patient base, contributing to the growth and sustainability of your organization.

Incorporating sleep apnea treatment education into your DSO brings a multitude of benefits. By expanding treatment offerings, improving patient outcomes, adopting a collaborative care approach, differentiating your DSO, and increasing patient satisfaction and loyalty, your organization can thrive in today’s dynamic healthcare landscape.

Empowering your clinicians with knowledge of sleep apnea treatments allows you to provide comprehensive, patient-centered care and positions your DSO as a trusted leader in dental sleep medicine.

Dental Service Organization (DSO) University Announces Grand Opening in Arizona Ahead of New Year

Clinical Management Company to expand training curriculum in 2024 and beyond.

Gilbert, AZ, November 28, 2023 – DSO University (DSO-U), a leading clinical management company providing DSOs with a turnkey solution for developing provider skills, today announced the release of its new cutting-edge training management software platform and continuing education services. The company serves as a one-of-a-kind training solution for dental service organizations and their staff.

“Having been in the private dental space for 20 years, I had long envisioned creating a university where providers could continually hone their skills and help more patients,” said DSO-U founder and CEO, Dr. Sam Bollwinkel. “I’m excited to see the facility come to fruition as we address the need for DSOs to nurture their providers and give them the skills to organically grow their practices.”

With state-of-the-art facilities located in the Phoenix East Valley, DSO-U and its team of seasoned faculty provide participants with hands-on experience working with real patients so they can gain the skills necessary to immediately add new procedures and workflows to their practices.

“I’ve come to DSO University several times now and I always find the hands-on training extremely beneficial,” said Dr. Cameron Blyth “Because of the two 3-day sessions I’ve completed at the University, I have been able to add two new service offerings to my practice, which not only helps my patients, it has also dramatically increased my clinic revenue.”

While DSO-U can help improve the skills of any clinician, the organization is primarily focused on helping DSO’s train a core team of providers who in turn can train other providers within the DSO at the DSO University facility. Training currently being offered includes procedures in orthodontics and endodontics as well as dental implants.

“From start to finish, DSO-U serves as a real-world training ground for our participants,” said DSO-U’s Chief Revenue Officer, Joe Slade. “Doctors come here having no experience with a new procedure, such as implants or clear aligners, and leave confident in their ability to implement the solution for their patients upon their return.”


About DSO University

DSO University is a leading clinical management company providing DSOs with a turnkey, white-labeled platform for developing provider skills, enhancing brand equity, and driving organic growth. At DSO-U, dental providers gain expert hands-on experience with real patients using the latest equipment in a state-of-the-art training facility. The DSO-U software platform tracks provider progress in becoming proficient on new procedures and technology so they can implement what they learn in their clinics. Customizable to each customer’s unique brand, DSO University helps DSOs develop a training culture, decrease provider turnover, attract new providers, improve patient care, and grow practice revenue. Visit

Going Beyond the Classroom: The Importance of Hands-on Training after Dental School

Dental school is an essential stepping-stone for aspiring dentists, providing them with a strong foundation of theoretical knowledge and clinical skills. However, completing dental school alone does not make one a fully competent and confident dental professional. To truly excel in the field, hands-on practice and ongoing training are crucial.

In this blog post, we will explore why hands-on experience and continuous learning are necessary after dental school and how they contribute to a dentist’s professional growth.


Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice

While dental school equips students with comprehensive knowledge about oral health, anatomy, and treatment techniques, it often falls short in replicating real-world scenarios. Hands-on practice allows budding dentists to bridge the gap between theory and practice by honing their technical skills, developing their hand-eye coordination, and gaining experience in managing complex dental procedures.


Enhancing Clinical Skills

Dental school provides a solid foundation in fundamental clinical skills, but it’s through practical experience that these skills are refined and perfected. Real patients present unique challenges, such as anatomical variations, psychological factors, and treatment complications. Hands-on training enables dentists to navigate these complexities, improving their diagnostic capabilities and treatment planning skills.


Building Confidence and Chairside Manner

A major aspect of dentistry is building rapport and trust with patients. Effective communication, empathy, and a confident chairside manner are essential for successful patient interactions. Dental school may touch upon these soft skills, but hands-on experience allows dentists to develop them further. Interacting with diverse patients and handling various clinical situations helps dentists build their confidence and establish a positive dentist-patient relationship.


Staying Updated with Technological Advancements

The field of dentistry is constantly evolving due to advancements in technology and treatment modalities. After dental school, it is imperative for dentists to stay updated with the latest techniques, materials, and equipment. DSO University offers opportunities to learn about emerging trends, innovative procedures, and state-of-the-art tools, ensuring dentists provide the best possible care to their patients.


Embracing a Culture of Lifelong Learning

Dental school provides a solid foundation, but the pursuit of knowledge should not end there. Continuous learning is vital for professional growth and maintaining competence in a rapidly evolving field. Dental service providers in a DSO should be encouraged to engage in regular hands-on training. These initiatives allow providers to expand their skill set, stay informed about industry developments, and navigate the ever-changing landscape of modern dentistry.

While dental school lays the groundwork for a career in dentistry, it is hands-on practice and ongoing training that truly shape skilled and confident dental professionals. From bridging the gap between theory and practice to honing clinical skills, building confidence, staying updated with advancements, and understanding practice management, continuous learning beyond dental school is crucial.

By investing in hands-on training and embracing lifelong learning, dentists can elevate their expertise, provide optimal patient care, and thrive in an ever-evolving field.